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to go for broke

  • 1 to go for broke

    to go for broke
    arriscar tudo para vencer, dar o máximo de si.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to go for broke

  • 2 in for

    (likely to experience (especially something bad): We're in for some bad weather; You're in for it if you broke that window!) sob a ameaça de

    English-Portuguese dictionary > in for

  • 3 in for

    (likely to experience (especially something bad): We're in for some bad weather; You're in for it if you broke that window!) sob ameaça, à espera

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > in for

  • 4 go

    [ɡəu] 1. 3rd person singular present tense - goes; verb
    1) (to walk, travel, move etc: He is going across the field; Go straight ahead; When did he go out?) ir
    2) (to be sent, passed on etc: Complaints have to go through the proper channels.) passar
    3) (to be given, sold etc: The prize goes to John Smith; The table went for $100.) ir
    4) (to lead to: Where does this road go?) ir
    5) (to visit, to attend: He goes to school every day; I decided not to go to the movie.) ir
    6) (to be destroyed etc: This wall will have to go.) ser liquidado
    7) (to proceed, be done: The meeting went very well.) decorrer
    8) (to move away: I think it is time you were going.) ir embora
    9) (to disappear: My purse has gone!) sumir
    10) (to do (some action or activity): I'm going for a walk; I'm going hiking next week-end.) ir (fazer)
    11) (to fail etc: I think the clutch on this car has gone.) ir-se abaixo
    12) (to be working etc: I don't think that clock is going.) funcionar
    13) (to become: These apples have gone bad.) ficar
    14) (to be: Many people in the world regularly go hungry.) estar
    15) (to be put: Spoons go in that drawer.) guardar-se
    16) (to pass: Time goes quickly when you are enjoying yourself.) passar
    17) (to be used: All her pocket-money goes on sweets.) gastar-se
    18) (to be acceptable etc: Anything goes in this office.) valer
    19) (to make a particular noise: Dogs go woof, not miaow.) fazer
    20) (to have a particular tune etc: How does that song go?) ser
    21) (to become successful etc: She always makes a party go.) correr bem
    2. noun
    1) (an attempt: I'm not sure how to do it, but I'll have a go.) tentativa
    2) (energy: She's full of go.) genica
    3. adjective
    1) (successful: That shop is still a going concern.) bem sucedido
    2) (in existence at present: the going rate for typing manuscripts.) actual
    4. noun
    (permission: We'll start as soon as we get the go-ahead.) licença
    - going-over
    - goings-on
    - no-go
    - all go
    - be going on for
    - be going on
    - be going strong
    - from the word go
    - get going
    - give the go-by
    - go about
    - go after
    - go against
    - go along
    - go along with
    - go around
    - go around with
    - go at
    - go back
    - go back on
    - go by
    - go down
    - go far
    - go for
    - go in
    - go in for
    - go into
    - go off
    - go on
    - go on at
    - go out
    - go over
    - go round
    - go slow
    - go steady
    - go through
    - go through with
    - go too far
    - go towards
    - go up
    - go up in smoke/flames
    - go with
    - go without
    - keep going
    - make a go of something
    - make a go
    - on the go
    * * *
    [gou] n 1 ação de andar, andar. 2 espírito, impulso, energia, animação. 3 estado das coisas, modo, estilo. 4 autorização para prosseguir. 5 vez (de jogar), tentativa. 6 remessa. 7 ocorrência. 8 sucesso. • vt+vi (ps went, pp gone) 1 ir, seguir, prosseguir, andar. 2 sair, partir, deixar, ir embora. 3 estar em movimento, andar, trabalhar (máquinas), soar. 4 ficar, tornar-se, vir a ser. 5 estar, ser. 6 começar, empreender. 7 proceder, avançar. 8 correr, vagar, estar em uso corrente. 9 meter-se, intrometer-se. 10 estender-se, alcançar. 11 passar. 12 ser vendido, ser entregue. 13 tender, levar, conduzir. 14 resultar, redundar. 15 pertencer, caber. 16 combinar, harmonizar. 17 explodir, estourar. 18 deixar de existir, perder, gastar. 19 morrer. 20 afrouxar. a fair go uma chance. all the go na moda. a near go um escape por um triz. anything goes Amer vale tudo. as men go como costuma acontecer com os homens. at one go de uma só vez, simultaneamente. be gone! afaste-se!, saia! dead and gone morto e passado. do you go with me? você me compreende?, você concorda comigo? from the word go desde o começo. go along with you! sem essa!, não acredito em você! going, going, gone! Auction primeiro, segundo, terceiro! go to it! coll vamos a isso! have a go at it! faça uma tentativa! he goes by the name of X ele é conhecido sob o nome X. here’s a go! agora avante! is it a go? combinado? it is all (quite) the go está bem em moda. it is no go coll não vai, não adianta. (it’s) no go nada feito. it was touch and go estava por um fio de cabelo, por um triz. let go! largue! let me go! solte-me! on the go em movimento, em atividade. pop went the bottle a garrafa estourou. that goes for you too isto também se aplica a você. that goes to show Amer isto demonstra. there is no go in the show coll o negócio não anda. there it goes again vai começar tudo de novo. to give it a go tentar. to go about 1 passar de um lugar para outro. 2 estar ocupado com. 3 procurar. 4 circular. to go about one’s business 1 prestar atenção com as suas coisas, seu negócio. 2 partir, deixar. to go abroad viajar para o exterior. to go against ir contra. to go ahead continuar, começar imediatamente. to go along with concordar com, apoiar. to go aside 1 errar. 2 retirar-se. to go astray perder-se, perder o caminho. to go at atacar. to go away partir. to go back voltar. to go back on trair, não cumprir uma promessa. to go bail fiar, afiançar. to go down 1 afundar. 2 deteriorar. 3 ser aceito, acreditado. 4 Comp quebrar. 5 sair da universidade. 6 sl acontecer. 7 ir para a cadeia. to go down on vulg fazer sexo oral com. to go down the drain 1 desperdiçar, não ser aproveitado. 2 perder o valor. to go down with pegar uma doença. to go Dutch repartir proporcionalmente uma conta ou despesa, Braz coll rachar uma conta. to go far ir longe, ter sucesso. to go for 1 atacar. 2 ir atrás. 3 tentar. 4 ser atraído por. 5 buscar, procurar. to go for broke arriscar tudo para vencer, dar o máximo de si. to go for nothing não ter valor. to go halves dividir igualmente uma conta, despesa. to go hang ser esquecido, negligenciado. to go hard with passar por dificuldades, custar caro a, ser difícil para. to go in entrar. to go in and out entrar e sair livremente. to go in for 1 praticar. 2 ter como profissão ou hobby. he goes in for sailing / ele gosta de velejar. he decided to go in for law / ele decidiu estudar (seguir a carreira de) direito. 3 participar de uma competição, prestar um exame. to go into 1 entrar. he went into convulsions / ele entrou em convulsões. he went into business / ele entrou nos negócios. 2 investigar. 3 ter, adotar como profissão. to go in unto Bib ter relações sexuais com. to go in with entrar em uma sociedade com, ajuntar-se com. to go it alone fazer algo sozinho, virar-se sozinho. to go live Radio, TV estar ao vivo. to go native adaptar-se a uma cultura estrangeira. to go off 1 deixar, partir. the train went off / o trem partiu. 2 disparar, explodir. the gun went off / a arma disparou. 3 piorar, deteriorar. the cinema has gone off / o cinema piorou. 4 estragar (comida). 5 chegar a uma conclusão esperada. 6 deixar de gostar de uma pessoa. 7 sl experimentar orgasmo. to go off with 1 largar um relacionamento para se relacionar com uma outra pessoa. 2 levar, pegar, carregar. to go on 1 continuar. you can’t go on the way you’ve been / você não pode continuar desta maneira. 2 comportar-se. 3 falar muito. he went on about it for half an hour / ele falou sobre isso durante meia hora. 4 existir, durar. 5 adequar-se. 6 começar. 7 aparecer no palco. 8 acontecer. to go on a journey sair em viagem. to go one better than exceder, sobrepujar. to go one’s own way agir, fazer independentemente. to go one’s way partir. to go on horseback andar a cavalo. to go on strike entrar em greve. to go on well with dar-se muito bem com. to go out 1 tornar-se extinto, extinguir. the fire went out / o fogo apagou-se. 2 partir, sair. 3 sair de moda. to go out of business deixar, desistir de um negócio, fechar as portas. to go out of fashion sair da moda. to go out of print estar esgotado (livros). to go over 1 revisar, rever, examinar. 2 relembrar. 3 ficar perto de. 4 visitar. 5 repetir. to go over to 1 mudar de opinião ou de partido. 2 TV mudar o lugar da transmissão. to go places 1 viajar muito. 2 prosperar, progredir, fazer sucesso. to go round ter suficiente. to go shares dividir. to go sick ficar doente. to go slow trabalhar, produzir menos (para obter algo dos empresários). to go stag sair desacompanhado. to go steady namorar firme. to go through 1 passar por. 2 gastar tudo. 3 Jur ir, ser aceito. 4 praticar, ensaiar. 5 olhar cuidadosamente. 6 ler do começo ao fim. to go through fire and water passar por todas as situações. to go together harmonizar, condizer. to go to pieces ficar em pedaços. the doll has gone to pieces / a boneca ficou em pedaços. to go under 1 falhar. 2 afundar, submergir. to go up 1 subir, ascender, aumentar. 2 ser destruído por fogo ou explosão. 3 aumentar preços. 4 entrar em uma universidade. to go with acompanhar, concordar, combinar. to go without passar sem. that goes without saying / é evidente, não precisa dizer. to go wrong dar errado, falhar, fracassar. to have a go tentar. to have a go at 1 criticar. 2 atacar fisicamente. 3 amolar, irritar alguém. what goes with it? o que é que acompanha isto? who goes? de quem é a vez? who goes there? quem está aí? years gone by anos passados.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > go

  • 5 break

    [breik] 1. past tense - broke; verb
    1) (to divide into two or more parts (by force).) quebrar
    2) ((usually with off/away) to separate (a part) from the whole (by force).) quebrar
    3) (to make or become unusable.) quebrar
    4) (to go against, or not act according to (the law etc): He broke his appointment at the last minute.) faltar
    5) (to do better than (a sporting etc record).) bater
    6) (to interrupt: She broke her journey in London.) interromper
    7) (to put an end to: He broke the silence.) quebrar
    8) (to make or become known: They gently broke the news of his death to his wife.) comunicar
    9) ((of a boy's voice) to fall in pitch.) quebrar
    10) (to soften the effect of (a fall, the force of the wind etc).) abrandar
    11) (to begin: The storm broke before they reached shelter.) começar
    2. noun
    1) (a pause: a break in the conversation.) quebra
    2) (a change: a break in the weather.) mudança
    3) (an opening.) brecha
    4) (a chance or piece of (good or bad) luck: This is your big break.) oportunidade
    3. noun
    ((usually in plural) something likely to break.) coisa frágil
    - breaker
    - breakdown
    - break-in
    - breakneck
    - breakout
    - breakthrough
    - breakwater
    - break away
    - break down
    - break into
    - break in
    - break loose
    - break off
    - break out
    - break out in
    - break the ice
    - break up
    - make a break for it
    * * *
    [breik] n = link=brake brake.1, acepção 1.
    [breik] n 1 ruptura, quebra, fratura. 2 brecha, racho. 3 fenda, abertura. 4 interrupção, cessação. 5 pausa, intervalo. 6 fuga, saída por meios violentos. 7 mudança repentina ou acentuada (de tempo). 8 Amer baixa súbita (dos preços na bolsa). 9 desvio de direção (de uma bola). 10 fig ruína, quebra. 11 irrupção, ruptura. 12 Amer sl falha, rata, erro. 13 chance, oportunidade. 14 interrupção de corrente. 15 clareira, picada. 16 seqüência de tacadas (jogo de bilhar). 17 Mus ponto de passagem de um registro a outro. 18 Poet cesura. • vt+vi (ps broke, pp broken) 1 quebrar, romper, dividir em pedaços, fraturar, esmagar, despedaçar. she broke her arm / ela fraturou o braço. the toy is broken to pieces / o brinquedo está em pedaços. 2 rachar, romper, lascar, estourar. 3 triturar, moer, desbastar. 4 romper, perturbar, interromper (também Electr). he broke his fast / ele interrompeu o jejum. he broke the silence / ele rompeu o silêncio. 5 Electr desligar. 6 separar, dividir, desunir. 7 ferir, danificar. 8 arruinar, destruir. 9 fazer invalidar (testamento). 10 levar à falência, arruinar financeiramente. he broke the bank / ele quebrou a banca. 11 violar, transgredir, infringir. 12 forçar caminho, penetrar, romper, arrombar. 13 chegar repentinamente, irromper. the sun broke / o sol irrompeu (pelas nuvens). 14 mudar repentinamente. the weather broke / o tempo mudou. 15 Amer baixar subitamente (os preços na bolsa). 16 amortecer, moderar, abrandar. some bushes broke his fall / alguns arbustos amorteceram sua queda. 17 Mus mudar de som ou de registro. 18 mudar de direção (bola). 19 definhar, enfraquecer, quebrantar, depauperar. 20 ceder, amolecer, afrouxar. 21 ser dominado pela tristeza, partir-se (coração). her heart broke / seu coração se partiu. 22 parar, pôr fim. you must break with this bad habit / você deve deixar este mau hábito. 23 degradar, rebaixar. 24 sujeitar, domar, subjugar. his resistance was broken / sua resistência foi subjugada. 25 disciplinar, corrigir. 26 exceder, ultrapassar, superar, quebrar (recorde). 27 iniciar uma escavação para construção. 28 revelar, divulgar, tornar conhecido. 29 Amer correr, atirar-se. 30 desmanchar (noivado). 31 desfazer, desmanchar (coleção etc.). 32 rebentar (ondas, flores, pústulas). 33 raiar, surgir. the day broke / o dia raiou. 34 saltar da água (peixe). 35 mudar de partido. 36 quebrar-se, fragmentar-se, partir-se. 37 desintegrar(-se), dissolver(-se). they broke company / eles dissolveram a sociedade. 38 desencadear-se (tempestade). 39 levantar (acampamento). they broke camp / eles levantaram acampamento. 40 falir, ir à falência. the business broke / o negócio faliu. a cry broke from her lips um grito escapou de seus lábios. break a leg! a) sl merda para você! b) Theat boa sorte! break of the day aurora, amanhecer. at (the) break of day / ao amanhecer. break step! Mil sem cadência! give me a break! me dá um tempo! he broke company ele saiu à francesa. he broke down all restraint ele abandonou todo constrangimento. he broke into a laugh ele rompeu em gargalhadas. her health broke sua saúde piorou. his power was broken down seu poder foi quebrado. his voice broke down sua voz falhou. lucky breaks coll boas oportunidades. she broke in health ela adoeceu. the buoy broke adrift a bóia soltou-se e está à deriva. the horse broke o cavalo mudou de andamento. the machine broke down a máquina encrencou, quebrou. the school breaks up a escola fecha, começam as férias. the supplies broke down os estoques acabaram. they broke (new) ground fig desbravaram novas terras. to break asunder quebrar em pedaços. to break away a) fugir, escapar. he broke away / ele saiu correndo. b) dissolver-se, desaparecer. to break down a) demolir, derrubar. b) sucumbir. c) falhar, não obter êxito. to break forth a) irromper. b) exclamar subitamente. c) brotar, jorrar. to break in a) domar, ensinar, domesticar. b) arrombar, forçar. our house was broken into / nossa casa foi arrombada. c) Press colocar ilustrações no espaço deixado. d) interromper, perturbar. the war broke in upon our peace / a guerra interrompeu nossa paz. to break of bounds fig ultrapassar os limites. to break off a) romper-se. b) cessar, parar, interromper. he broke off / ele parou, interrompeu-se. he broke off the conversation / ele interrompeu a conversação. to break off an engagement desmanchar um noivado. to break one of a habit tirar o vício ou o costume de alguém. to break out a) tirar quebrando. b) desobstruir, livrar. c) irromper problemas na pele. he broke out into hives / sua pele ficou cheia de urticária. d) desabafar-se, expandir-se. he broke out into lamentations / ele rompeu em lamúrias. e) fugir, escapar. he broke out of prison / ele fugiu da cadeia. to break the ice superar as dificuldades iniciais, quebrar o gelo. to break through abrir caminho através de algo. she broke through the crowd / ela abriu caminho na multidão. to break up a) levantar-se, ir embora. b) dissolver (reunião). c) dispersar. the crowd was broken up / a multidão foi dispersada. d) cortar em pedaços (caça). e) abrir, rebentar, romper. f) confundir, desconcertar. g) fragmentar-se, desintegrar-se. his household was broken up / seu lar se desintegrou. she is broken up by grief / ela está alquebrada de desgosto. to break water emergir da água. to break with romper relações com. he broke with his father / ele rompeu relações com o pai.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > break

  • 6 break

    [breik] 1. past tense - broke; verb
    1) (to divide into two or more parts (by force).) quebrar
    2) ((usually with off/away) to separate (a part) from the whole (by force).) partir
    3) (to make or become unusable.) quebrar
    4) (to go against, or not act according to (the law etc): He broke his appointment at the last minute.) romper, transgredir
    5) (to do better than (a sporting etc record).) quebrar
    6) (to interrupt: She broke her journey in London.) interromper
    7) (to put an end to: He broke the silence.) romper
    8) (to make or become known: They gently broke the news of his death to his wife.) anunciar
    9) ((of a boy's voice) to fall in pitch.) quebrar
    10) (to soften the effect of (a fall, the force of the wind etc).) abrandar
    11) (to begin: The storm broke before they reached shelter.) rebentar
    2. noun
    1) (a pause: a break in the conversation.) pausa
    2) (a change: a break in the weather.) mudança
    3) (an opening.) brecha
    4) (a chance or piece of (good or bad) luck: This is your big break.) sorte
    3. noun
    ((usually in plural) something likely to break.) objeto frágil
    - breaker - breakdown - break-in - breakneck - breakout - breakthrough - breakwater - break away - break down - break into - break in - break loose - break off - break out - break out in - break the ice - break up - make a break for it

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > break

  • 7 word

    [wə:d] 1. noun
    1) (the smallest unit of language (whether written, spoken or read).) palavra
    2) (a (brief) conversation: I'd like a (quick) word with you in my office.) palavrinha
    3) (news: When you get there, send word that you've arrived safely.) aviso
    4) (a solemn promise: He gave her his word that it would never happen again.) palavra
    2. verb
    (to express in written or spoken language: How are you going to word the letter so that it doesn't seem rude?) formular
    - word processor
    - word processing
    - word-perfect
    - by word of mouth
    - get a word in edgeways
    - in a word
    - keep
    - break one's word
    - take someone at his word
    - take at his word
    - take someone's word for it
    - word for word
    * * *
    [wə:d] n 1 palavra: a) vocábulo, termo. b) fala. c) promessa. 2 conversa breve, conversação. 3 expressão, linguagem (muitas vezes words). 4 dizeres, conteúdo, termo. 5 ordem, comando. 6 senha, sinal. 7 notícia, informação. 8 words discussão, disputa, querela. 9 words texto, letra (de uma canção). 10 the Word ou the Word of God a Palavra de Deus, a Bíblia. • vt pôr em palavras, exprimir, enunciar, frasear, redigir. a man/ woman of few words um homem/mulher de poucas palavras. at a word de uma vez, resumindo. a word in someone’s ear uma conversa confidencial. a word with you! uma palavra apenas (a lhe dizer)! by word of mouth, through word of moreth oralmente, verbalmente. carefully, cautiously worded cuidadosa e cautelosamente redigido. give the word! a senha! he gave/ broke/ kept his word to come ele deu/quebrou/cumpriu sua palavra de vir. he gave the word to came ele deu a ordem para vir. he is as good as his word ele cumpre bem a sua palavra. he never has a good word to say ele está sempre criticando. he sent (me) word ele me avisou, mandou-me um recado ou notícias. in a word numa palavra, brevemente. indifferently worded redigido com negligência. in other words em outras palavras. I took him at his word fi-lo cumprir o que havia dito. I took his word for it acreditei cegamente no que ele disse. make him eat his words! faça-o admitir que estava errado! mark my words! pode escrever o que estou dizendo! pass the word passe a mensagem. put in a good word for him fale em favor dele. put it into words formule-o em palavras. she gave him hard words ela ralhou com ele. take my word for it! pode acreditar no que digo! the last word in hats a última palavra em chapéus. the last word lies with you a última palavra, a decisão está com você. to be a man of his word ser homem de palavra. to bring word trazer notícias. to have a word with falar com, conversar com. to have no words for não ter palavras para. to have words discutir. to take the words out of someone’s mouth tirar as palavras da boca de alguém. we won’t have any words about it nós não queremos ouvir nada a respeito. word for word palavra por palavra. word of honour palavra de honra. words fail me! estou surpreso (chocado)! as palavras me fugiram!

    English-Portuguese dictionary > word

  • 8 subject

    1. adjective
    ((of countries etc) not independent, but dominated by another power: subject nations.) dominado
    2. noun
    1) (a person who is under the rule of a monarch or a member of a country that has a monarchy etc: We are loyal subjects of the Queen; He is a British subject.) súbdito
    2) (someone or something that is talked about, written about etc: We discussed the price of food and similar subjects; What was the subject of the debate?; The teacher tried to think of a good subject for their essay; I've said all I can on that subject.) assunto
    3) (a branch of study or learning in school, university etc: He is taking exams in seven subjects; Mathematics is his best subject.) disciplina
    4) (a thing, person or circumstance suitable for, or requiring, a particular kind of treatment, reaction etc: I don't think her behaviour is a subject for laughter.) motivo
    5) (in English, the word(s) representing the person or thing that usually does the action shown by the verb, and with which the verb agrees: The cat sat on the mat; He hit her because she broke his toy; He was hit by the ball.) sujeito
    3. [səb'‹ekt] verb
    1) (to bring (a person, country etc) under control: They have subjected all the neighbouring states (to their rule).) submeter
    2) (to cause to suffer, or submit (to something): He was subjected to cruel treatment; These tyres are subjected to various tests before leaving the factory.) submeter
    - subjective
    - subjectively
    - subject matter
    - change the subject
    - subject to
    * * *
    [s'∧bdʒikt] n 1 assunto, tópico, tema, tese. let us change the subject / mudemos o assunto. 2 súdito, vassalo. 3 objeto, vítima. 4 Gram sujeito. 5 tema de melodia, em que se baseia uma composição musical. 6 objeto, motivo. 7 Schooling disciplina, matéria. 8 sujeito de experiência, cobaia. 9 substância, essência, substrato. 10 cadáver (para dissecção). • [səbdʒ'ekt] vt 1 subjugar, dominar, sujeitar. he is subject to asthma / ele está sujeito à asma. 2 submeter. he subjected himself to great danger / ele se expôs a um grande perigo. • adj 1 sujeito, sob o domínio de. 2 exposto. 3 com disposição ou tendência para. 4 dependente, condicionado a. a subject for pity um objeto de compaixão. subject to duty sujeito a taxas alfandegárias. subject to his approval dependente de sua aprovação. subject to reservations com reservas. subject to this com estas restrições. the subject under discussion o tema em discussão.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > subject

  • 9 back

    [bæk] 1. noun
    1) (in man, the part of the body from the neck to the bottom of the spine: She lay on her back.) costas
    2) (in animals, the upper part of the body: She put the saddle on the horse's back.) dorso
    3) (that part of anything opposite to or furthest from the front: the back of the house; She sat at the back of the hall.) traseiras
    4) (in football, hockey etc a player who plays behind the forwards.) defesa
    2. adjective
    (of or at the back: the back door.) traseiro
    3. adverb
    1) (to, or at, the place or person from which a person or thing came: I went back to the shop; He gave the car back to its owner.) de volta
    2) (away (from something); not near (something): Move back! Let the ambulance get to the injured man; Keep back from me or I'll hit you!) para trás
    3) (towards the back (of something): Sit back in your chair.) para trás
    4) (in return; in response to: When the teacher is scolding you, don't answer back.) de volta
    5) (to, or in, the past: Think back to your childhood.) para trás
    4. verb
    1) (to (cause to) move backwards: He backed (his car) out of the garage.) recuar
    2) (to help or support: Will you back me against the others?) apoiar
    3) (to bet or gamble on: I backed your horse to win.) apostar
    - backbite
    - backbiting
    - backbone
    - backbreaking
    - backdate
    - backfire
    - background
    - backhand
    5. adverb
    (using backhand: She played the stroke backhand; She writes backhand.) obliquamente
    - back-number
    - backpack
    - backpacking: go backpacking
    - backpacker
    - backside
    - backslash
    - backstroke
    - backup
    - backwash
    - backwater
    - backyard
    - back down
    - back of
    - back on to
    - back out
    - back up
    - have one's back to the wall
    - put someone's back up
    - take a back seat
    * * *
    [bæk] n 1 dorso, costas. I have the care for his children on my back / tenho em meus ombros a preocupação de cuidar de suas crianças. she turned her back on him / ela virou as costas para ele. 2 qualquer parte de vestuário que cubra as costas. 3 lombo, dorso (de animais). 4 espinha dorsal. 5 parte traseira, lado ou face posterior, verso. 6 espaldar, encosto de cadeira ou poltrona. 7 parte menos usada, costas da mão. 8 Ftb zagueiro. 9 quilha de navio. 10 suporte, apoio. 11 lombada (de livro). 12 avesso (de tecido). • vt 1 (geralmente back up) suportar, ajudar, auxiliar, emprestar apoio moral. 2 mover(-se) para trás. 3 endossar, apoiar. he backed a cheque / ele endossou um cheque. 4 apostar em. 5 montar, subir às costas. 6 prover de encosto, servir de dorso. 7 impelir ou forçar para trás. 8 prosseguir escrevendo no verso. 9 mover-se à esquerda (em relação à bússola). 10 formar um fundo para. 11 servir de fundo a. 12 coll carregar às costas. • vi recuar, retroceder, refluir. • adj 1 posterior, de trás, traseiro. 2 remoto, retirado. 3 passado, atrasado. 4 vencido. 5 Amer em região distante ou fronteiriça. 6 Phon gutural, velar. • adv 1 para trás, atrás. he sat back in his chair / ele reclinou-se na sua cadeira. 2 no passado. I can look back fifty years / posso olhar para trás cinqüenta anos. 3 de volta. I shall be back soon / estarei de volta logo. 4 em retorno ou devolução. 5 para o lugar de origem. 6 em reserva. 7 anteriormente. at the back of the house, Amer back of the house atrás da casa. back and belly coll vestuário e alimentação. back and forth para a frente e para trás. back her! Naut para trás! back of Amer coll atrás de, em auxílio de, em suporte de. back of a knife costas de uma faca. back of the hand costas da mão. back to back costas com costas. behind my back nas minhas costas. come back! volte!, Amer venha para trás! do not answer back! não responda! for years back Amer desde anos, há anos. go there and come back vá até lá e volte. half-back Ftb médio, sl alfo. he lay on his back for three years ele ficou de cama durante três anos. he was at my back ele estava atrás de mim, ele me defendeu, ele me apoiou. he went back from his promise ele fugiu à sua promessa. I broke my back to get what I have passei pelo pior para conseguiur o que eu tenho. I got, put his back up provoquei-o. on one’s back sl deitado de costas, indefeso, impotente, sem dinheiro, pronto. on the back of that além disso. the Backs (Cambridge) fundos, lugar de estacionamento na universidade. to back away Amer ceder. to back down abandonar, desistir, retirar-se. to back on to dar para (quartos, janelas). to back out retirar-se, desistir de um empreendimento, quebrar uma promessa. to back sails pôr sobre (as velas). to back up mover-se para trás, dar marcha-à-ré, suportar, auxiliar. to be cast on one’s back fig sofrer derrota. to cast behind the back esquecer, perdoar. to pay back devolver, repor, pagar de volta. to see the back of desembaraçar-se de, livrar-se de, ver pelas costas.
    [bæk] n cuba, tina, alguidar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > back

  • 10 fall

    [fo:l] 1. past tense - fell; verb
    1) (to go down from a higher level usually unintentionally: The apple fell from the tree; Her eye fell on an old book.) recair/cair
    2) ((often with over) to go down to the ground etc from an upright position, usually by accident: She fell (over).) cair
    3) (to become lower or less: The temperature is falling.) cair
    4) (to happen or occur: Easter falls early this year.) acontecer
    5) (to enter a certain state or condition: She fell asleep; They fell in love.) ficar
    6) ((formal: only with it as subject) to come as one's duty etc: It falls to me to take care of the children.) caber
    2. noun
    1) (the act of falling: He had a fall.) queda
    2) ((a quantity of) something that has fallen: a fall of snow.) queda
    3) (capture or (political) defeat: the fall of Rome.) queda
    4) ((American) the autumn: Leaves change colour in the fall.) outono
    - fallout
    - his
    - her face fell
    - fall away
    - fall back
    - fall back on
    - fall behind
    - fall down
    - fall flat
    - fall for
    - fall in with
    - fall off
    - fall on/upon
    - fall out
    - fall short
    - fall through
    * * *
    [fɔ:l] n 1 queda, caída, distância de caída, tombo, salto, baixa, inclinação, iluminação, declive. to give one a fall / fazer alguém cair. the ice gave me a fall / levei um tombo no gelo. trees broke his fall / as árvores suavizaram sua queda. 2 queda d’água, catarata, desaguamento, desembocadura de rio, precipitação de chuva ou de neve e sua quantidade. a fall of rain / uma pancada de chuva. the Niagara Falls / as cataratas do Niágara. 3 desmoronamento, desabamento (ruínas, destruição), capitulação de praças, rendição, tomada, derrota, aniquilação. 4 corte de árvores, derrubada. 5 tombo de costas, encontro (luta romana). 6 baixa de temperatura, de maré, de preço. to speculate on the fall / especular na baixa. a fall in prices / uma baixa nos preços. a fall of temperature / uma queda de temperatura. 7 derruba (demissão de empregados em massa). 8 queda de voz, de tom: cadência. 9 queda de forças vitais: morte. 10 queda de elementos: decadência. 11 Amer outono. 12 Naut tirador de talha, extremidade livre da corda de talha. 13 a) inclinação, propensão, tendência. b) declínio, descrédito, desgraça. 14 decaída, ruína, lapso, pecado. 15 outono, queda de folhas. 16 the Fall Eccl o pecado original. • vt+vi (ps fell, pp fallen) 1 cair, tombar, deixar-se cair, cair em terra, descer sobre a terra, correr. when night falls / ao cair da noite. 2 desaguar, desembocar. 3 abater-se, esmorecer, fraquejar, decair. 4 desmoronar, desabar, ruir. 5 abater, derrubar. 6 baixar, decrescer, diminuir (temperatura, maré, preço), ceder, abrandar-se, acalmar (vento). 7 chocar, encontrar, acometer, vencer (luta). 8 baixar de tom, de voz. 9 fundir-se, perecer, cessar, acabar, morrer. 10 ser demitido. 11 sentir um desapontamento. 12 pender, inclinar-se. 13 tornar-se, ficar, aparecer, surgir, acontecer, suceder. 14 incidir, recair, coincidir, pertencer, reverter. 15 escapar (palavras). 16 cair da graça ou perder prestígio. 17 abaixar-se, envergonhar-se. 18 cair em pecado, arruinar-se. 19 apostatar. 20 render-se, capitular, ser tomado (praça). 21 morrer no campo de batalha. to fall aboard abalroar, colidir com um navio. to fall a-crying pôr-se a chorar. to fall a-fighting começar a brigar. to fall among cair entre, achar-se entre ou no meio de. to fall away abandonar, apostatar, dissolver-se, decair, definhar. to fall back recuar, ceder, retirar-se. to fall back upon recorrer a. to fall behind ficar para trás, perder terreno. to fall by the ears começar a disputar, brigar. to fall calm acalmar, amainar (o vento). to fall down desmoronar, prosternar-se. to fall down with the tide descer rio abaixo com a maré. to fall dry cair em seco. to fall due vencer o prazo. to fall flat falhar completamente, malograr, não produzir efeito. to fall for engraçar-se, enamorar-se. he fell for her / ele apaixonou-se por ela. to fall foul Naut abalroar, colidir com, atacar, provocar conflito. to fall from renegar, abandonar, desertar. to fall from grace cair em pecado. to fall in desabar, ruir, cair, abater-se, vencer-se, findar, reverter ao possuidor primitivo por prescrição, Mil entrar em forma, engatar. to fall in love with apaixonar-se por. to fall in with encontrar, topar ou dar com alguém ou com alguma coisa acidentalmente, concordar, harmonizar-se, conformar-se, aquiescer, coincidir. to fall in with the enemy / vir às mãos, romper as hostilidades. to fall into assentir, consentir. he fell into an error / ele caiu num erro. she fell into a passion (ou rage) / ela encolerizou-se (ou enfureceu-se). to fall into a habit adquirir um costume. to fall into conversation começar uma conversa. to fall into disuse cair em desuso. to fall into oblivion cair em esquecimento. to fall off cair de um lugar, desprender-se, retirar-se, recuar, abandonar, renegar, desamparar, desavir-se, rebelar-se, declinar, afrouxar. Naut descair, desviar-se, arribar, virar para sotavento. to fall on cair, recair sobre, dirigir-se, cair em tal dia, lançar-se sobre, topar ou dar com. a cry fell on my ear / um grito chegou-me ao ouvido. Christmas fell on Sunday last year / no ano passado o Natal caiu num domingo. the accent falls on the last syllable / o acento recai sobre a última sílaba. he fell on his legs / ele caiu de pé, teve sorte. he fell on his sword / lançou-se sob a espada (suicidou-se). to fall out acontecer, ocorrer, suceder, sair bem ou mal, resultar, dar em resultado, cair fora, Naut inclinar-se para fora, Mil debandar, sair de forma, desavir-se. the land fell out of cultivation / o campo ficou abandonado. to fall out of flesh emagrecer. to fall out of one’s hands cair das mãos de alguém. to fall out with someone desavir-se ou romper. to fall short faltar, escassear, ser insuficiente, não atingir o objetivo (tiro). to fall short of ficar frustrado, enganado, logrado ou abaixo de, não alcançar, faltar ao cumprimento. the supplies fell short of the expected / os fornecimentos não corresponderam ao que era esperado. to fall silent emudecer, ficar silencioso, calado. to fall through falhar, fracassar, ser reprovado, abortar, dar em nada. to fall to leeward Naut sotaventear. to fall to pôr-se a fazer alguma coisa, aplicar-se, pôr-se a comer com sofreguidão, tocar por sorte, competir, cair (por sorte a alguém). the property fell to him / a propriedade coube a ele. he fell to praying / ele começou a rezar. it falls to my lot / isto é comigo. it falls to her / isso compete a ela. he fell to religion / ele dedicou-se à religião. the lion fell to his rifle / o leão sucumbiu ao tiro da sua espingarda. all our hopes fell to the ground / todas as nossas esperanças se desfizeram. the land falls to the river / o terreno cai sobre o rio. to fall to pieces desabar, despedaçar-se, desagregar-se. to fall under estar compreendido, contido, incluído, enquadrar-se, cair sob, expor-se, ser submetido. this falls under class B / isto entra na classe B. to fall under one’s displeasure cair no desagrado de alguém. to fall upon encontrar-se, lançar-se, assaltar, lançar mão, adotar, considerar, meditar. he fell upon an expedient / ele lançou mão de um expediente. to fall within estar incluído, incorrer. it falls within the amount / isto entra no montante.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > fall

  • 11 intend

    [in'tend] 1. verb
    1) (to mean or plan (to do something or that someone else should do something): Do you still intend to go?; Do you intend them to go?; Do you intend that they should go too?) pretender
    2) (to mean (something) to be understood in a particular way: His remarks were intended to be a compliment.) tencionar
    3) ((with for) to direct at: That letter/bullet was intended for me.) projectar
    2. noun
    (purpose; what a person means to do: He broke into the house with intent to steal.) intenção
    - intentional
    - intentionally
    - intently
    * * *
    [int'end] vt+vi 1 pretender, intentar, planejar, tencionar. do you intend to stay? / você pretende ficar? what did he intend by it? / o que foi que ele tencionou? what was it intended for? / qual foi a finalidade? 2 significar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > intend

  • 12 subject

    1. adjective
    ((of countries etc) not independent, but dominated by another power: subject nations.) subjugado
    2. noun
    1) (a person who is under the rule of a monarch or a member of a country that has a monarchy etc: We are loyal subjects of the Queen; He is a British subject.) súdito
    2) (someone or something that is talked about, written about etc: We discussed the price of food and similar subjects; What was the subject of the debate?; The teacher tried to think of a good subject for their essay; I've said all I can on that subject.) assunto
    3) (a branch of study or learning in school, university etc: He is taking exams in seven subjects; Mathematics is his best subject.) matéria
    4) (a thing, person or circumstance suitable for, or requiring, a particular kind of treatment, reaction etc: I don't think her behaviour is a subject for laughter.) motivo, tema
    5) (in English, the word(s) representing the person or thing that usually does the action shown by the verb, and with which the verb agrees: The cat sat on the mat; He hit her because she broke his toy; He was hit by the ball.) sujeito
    3. [səb'‹ekt] verb
    1) (to bring (a person, country etc) under control: They have subjected all the neighbouring states (to their rule).) subjugar
    2) (to cause to suffer, or submit (to something): He was subjected to cruel treatment; These tyres are subjected to various tests before leaving the factory.) submeter
    - subjective - subjectively - subject matter - change the subject - subject to

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > subject

  • 13 bank

    I 1. [bæŋk] noun
    1) (a mound or ridge (of earth etc): The child climbed the bank to pick flowers.) monte
    2) (the ground at the edge of a river, lake etc: The river overflowed its banks.) margem
    3) (a raised area of sand under the sea: a sand-bank.) banco
    2. verb
    1) ((often with up) to form into a bank or banks: The earth was banked up against the wall of the house.) amontoar
    2) (to tilt (an aircraft etc) while turning: The plane banked steeply.) inclinar
    II 1. [bæŋk] noun
    1) (a place where money is lent or exchanged, or put for safety and/or to acquire interest: He has plenty of money in the bank; I must go to the bank today.) banco
    2) (a place for storing other valuable material: A blood bank.) banco
    2. verb
    (to put into a bank: He banks his wages every week.) pôr no banco
    - bank book
    - banker's card
    - bank holiday
    - bank-note
    - bank on
    III [bæŋk] noun
    (a collection of rows (of instruments etc): The modern pilot has banks of instruments.) painel
    * * *
    [bæŋk] n 1 aterro, dique, barragem, barreira. 2 ladeira, escarpa, declive. 3 margem, ribanceira (de rio ou lago). 4 banco, baixio, escolho, recife. 5 rampa de terra. 6 Aeron inclinação lateral de um aeroplano. to be in bank / estar inclinado lateralmente (avião). 7 tabela (de mesa de bilhar). 8 boca (de mina). 9 formigueiro. 10 banco de remadores. 11 carreira de remos. 12 Typogr estante de tipógrafo. 13 carreira de teclas ou de registros (de órgão). • vt 1 aterrar, cercar com dique ou barreira. 2 amontoar, empilhar. 3 abafar o topo (de lareira, fornalha etc.). 4 Aeron inclinar o avião lateralmente. 5 jogar por tabela (bola de bilhar). 6 Hort proteger plantações com anteparos de terra. 7 formar-se em barreira, dique etc. 8 agrupar, dispor em grupos ou séries. to bank up vt a) amontoar, empilhar. b) cobrir fogueira com cinza ou terra para manter o braseiro meio aceso.
    [bæŋk] n 1 banco: a) estabelecimento de crédito, casa bancária. b) sede de um estabelecimento bancário. branch bank / filial de banco. country bank / banco da província. joint-stock bank / banco constituído em sociedade anônima. savings bank / caixa econômica. the Bank of England, the Bank / o Banco da Inglaterra. 2 banco de plasma ou de sangue. 3 banca: reserva monetária do banqueiro em jogos de azar. he broke the bank / ele quebrou a banca. he kept the bank / ele bancou o jogo. • vt 1 manter um banco, ser banqueiro. 2 depositar em banco. 3 transacionar com bancos. 4 fazer banca (em jogos de azar). 5 contar com, fiar-se em (seguido de on ou upon). 6 trocar por moeda corrente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > bank

  • 14 just

    I adjective
    1) (right and fair: not favouring one more than another: a fair and just decision.) justo
    2) (reasonable; based on one's rights: He certainly has a just claim to the money.) justo
    3) (deserved: He got his just reward when he crashed the stolen car and broke his leg.) merecido
    - justness II adverb
    1) ((often with as) exactly or precisely: This penknife is just what I needed; He was behaving just as if nothing had happened; The house was just as I'd remembered it.) justamente
    2) ((with as) quite: This dress is just as nice as that one.) exactamente
    3) (very lately or recently: He has just gone out of the house.) agora mesmo
    4) (on the point of; in the process of: She is just coming through the door.) mesmo agora
    5) (at the particular moment: The telephone rang just as I was leaving.) mesmo
    6) ((often with only) barely: We have only just enough milk to last till Friday; I just managed to escape; You came just in time.) à justa
    7) (only; merely: They waited for six hours just to get a glimpse of the Queen; `Where are you going?' `Just to the post office'; Could you wait just a minute?)
    8) (used for emphasis, eg with commands: Just look at that mess!; That just isn't true!; I just don't know what to do.) absolutamente
    9) (absolutely: The weather is just marvellous.) mesmo
    - just now
    - just then
    * * *
    [dʒ∧st] adj 1 justo, imparcial equitativo. 2 probo, íntegro. 3 justificável, razoável, merecido. 4 legal, lícito, legítimo. 5 adequado, oportuno. 6 correto, exato. 7 verdadeiro, verídico. • adv 1 exatamente, perfeitamente. it is just three o’clock / são exatamente três horas. that’s just it! / exatamente assim! I just knew it / eu o sabia exatamente. this hat is just you / este chapéu é parecido com você, é a sua cara. 2 quase, agora mesmo. 3 há pouco, daqui a pouco. he’s just gone / ele acaba de sair. 4 por mínima margem, por pouco. 5 somente, meramente. just let me pass! / deixem-me ainda (ou apenas) passar! just tell me / diga-me apenas. 6 coll positivamente, realmente. I just won’t do it / de forma nenhuma vou fazê-lo. it was just marvellous! / era realmente magnífico! 7 no mesmo momento. just as he came / no momento em que chegou. just as I had left, it began to rain / mal tinha saído, começou a chover. a just distinction uma justa distinção. I was just sure at it senti absoluta certeza. just about a) quase. b) quase não. just a moment! um momento, por favor! just beyond mais adiante. just in case no caso de, na hipótese de. just now agora mesmo. just so! certamente! just then naquele momento. just the same apesar disso, todavia. just two hours apenas ou exatamente duas horas. that is just as well coll isto é a mesmíssima coisa.
    [dʒ∧st] n, vi = link=joust joust.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > just

  • 15 such

    1. adjective
    1) (of the same kind as that already mentioned or being mentioned: Animals that gnaw, such as mice, rats, rabbits and weasels are called rodents; He came from Bradford or some such place; She asked to see Mr Johnson but was told there was no such person there; I've seen several such buildings; I've never done such a thing before; doctors, dentists and such people.) tal
    2) (of the great degree already mentioned or being mentioned: If you had telephoned her, she wouldn't have got into such a state of anxiety; She never used to get such bad headaches (as she does now).) tal
    3) (of the great degree, or the kind, to have a particular result: He shut the window with such force that the glass broke; She's such a good teacher that the headmaster asked her not to leave; Their problems are such as to make it impossible for them to live together any more.) tão/tanto
    4) (used for emphasis: This is such a shock! They have been such good friends to me!) tão
    2. pronoun
    (such a person or thing, or such persons or things: I have only a few photographs, but can show you such as I have; This isn't a good book as such (= as a book) but it has interesting pictures.) tal
    - such-and-such
    - such as it is
    * * *
    [s∧tʃ] adj 1 desta maneira, deste mesmo modo ou grau. one such action and you leave the house / mais um ato destes e você deixa a casa. 2 tal, de modo que. I’ve never heard of such a thing / nunca ouvi tal coisa. 3 semelhante, igual. he did no such thing / ele não fez coisa semelhante. 4 tanto, tamanho. he suffered such pains / ele sofreu tantas dores. 5 certo, certa, assim. • pron 1 tal pessoa, tal coisa. 2 esse, essa, o tal. 3 isto, aquilo. 4 as such como tal. such is life / a vida é assim, a vida é esta. such is my hate / tão grande é o meu ódio. • adv 1 tão, em tal grau. 2 assim mesmo. 3 de tal maneira. and such e assim por diante, e coisas parecidas. as such como tal, em si. he was not afraid of change as such / ele não teve medo da mudança em si. at such an hour of the night em hora tão avançada. children such as yours crianças como as suas. Mr. such and such fulano de tal. such a thing as pity algo semelhante a compaixão. such and tal (não especificado). such good luck tanta sorte. the only such case o único caso desta natureza.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > such

  • 16 vault

    [vo:lt] I noun
    1) ((a room, especially a cellar, with) an arched roof or ceiling: the castle vaults.) abóbada
    2) (an underground room, especially for storing valuables: The thieves broke into the bank vaults.) casa-forte
    3) (a burial chamber, often for all the members of a family: He was buried in the family vault.) câmara mortuária
    II 1. noun
    (a leap aided by the hands or by a pole: With a vault he was over the fence and away.) vara
    2. verb
    (to leap (over): He vaulted (over) the fence.) saltar à vara
    * * *
    [vɔ:lt] n salto, pulo (especialmente com auxílio de uma vara). • vt 1 saltar, pular. 2 montar a cavalo (de um salto). 3 fazer acrobacias, saltos artísticos, curvetear.
    [vɔ:lt] n 1 Archit abóbada. 2 galeria ou passagem arqueada ou abobadada, caverna. 3 abóbada celeste, firmamento. 4 adega ou armazém subterrâneo. 5 caixa forte. 6 cripta funerária, catacumba, câmara mortuária. • vt abobadar, cobrir com arco ou abóbada, arquear.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > vault

  • 17 intend

    [in'tend] 1. verb
    1) (to mean or plan (to do something or that someone else should do something): Do you still intend to go?; Do you intend them to go?; Do you intend that they should go too?) tencionar, ter intenção de
    2) (to mean (something) to be understood in a particular way: His remarks were intended to be a compliment.) pretender
    3) ((with for) to direct at: That letter/bullet was intended for me.) dirigir
    2. noun
    (purpose; what a person means to do: He broke into the house with intent to steal.) intento
    - intentional - intentionally - intently

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > intend

  • 18 just

    I adjective
    1) (right and fair: not favouring one more than another: a fair and just decision.) justo
    2) (reasonable; based on one's rights: He certainly has a just claim to the money.) justo
    3) (deserved: He got his just reward when he crashed the stolen car and broke his leg.) justo
    - justness II adverb
    1) ((often with as) exactly or precisely: This penknife is just what I needed; He was behaving just as if nothing had happened; The house was just as I'd remembered it.) exatamente
    2) ((with as) quite: This dress is just as nice as that one.) exatamente
    3) (very lately or recently: He has just gone out of the house.) há pouco
    4) (on the point of; in the process of: She is just coming through the door.) justamente
    5) (at the particular moment: The telephone rang just as I was leaving.) no momento em que
    6) ((often with only) barely: We have only just enough milk to last till Friday; I just managed to escape; You came just in time.) justamente
    7) (only; merely: They waited for six hours just to get a glimpse of the Queen; `Where are you going?' `Just to the post office'; Could you wait just a minute?) só, apenas
    8) (used for emphasis, eg with commands: Just look at that mess!; That just isn't true!; I just don't know what to do.) simplesmente
    9) (absolutely: The weather is just marvellous.) absolutamente
    - just now - just then

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > just

  • 19 such

    1. adjective
    1) (of the same kind as that already mentioned or being mentioned: Animals that gnaw, such as mice, rats, rabbits and weasels are called rodents; He came from Bradford or some such place; She asked to see Mr Johnson but was told there was no such person there; I've seen several such buildings; I've never done such a thing before; doctors, dentists and such people.) tal, assim
    2) (of the great degree already mentioned or being mentioned: If you had telephoned her, she wouldn't have got into such a state of anxiety; She never used to get such bad headaches (as she does now).) tão
    3) (of the great degree, or the kind, to have a particular result: He shut the window with such force that the glass broke; She's such a good teacher that the headmaster asked her not to leave; Their problems are such as to make it impossible for them to live together any more.) tal
    4) (used for emphasis: This is such a shock! They have been such good friends to me!) tão
    2. pronoun
    (such a person or thing, or such persons or things: I have only a few photographs, but can show you such as I have; This isn't a good book as such (= as a book) but it has interesting pictures.) o que, tal
    - such-and-such - such as it is

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > such

  • 20 vault

    [vo:lt] I noun
    1) ((a room, especially a cellar, with) an arched roof or ceiling: the castle vaults.) abóbada
    2) (an underground room, especially for storing valuables: The thieves broke into the bank vaults.) cofre
    3) (a burial chamber, often for all the members of a family: He was buried in the family vault.) câmara mortuária
    II 1. noun
    (a leap aided by the hands or by a pole: With a vault he was over the fence and away.) salto
    2. verb
    (to leap (over): He vaulted (over) the fence.) saltar

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > vault

См. также в других словарях:

  • for broke — See: GO FOR BROKE …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • for broke — See: GO FOR BROKE …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • for\ broke — See: go for broke …   Словарь американских идиом

  • Going for Broke (album) — For other uses, see Go for broke (disambiguation). Going for Broke Studio album by Eddy Grant Release …   Wikipedia

  • go for broke — verb risk everything in one big effort the cyclist went for broke at the end of the race • Hypernyms: ↑gamble, ↑chance, ↑risk, ↑hazard, ↑take chances, ↑adventure, ↑run a risk, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • Go For Broke Monument — The Go For Broke Monument in Little Tokyo, Los Angeles, California commemorates Japanese Americans who served in the United States Army during World War II. Design and construction of the monument commenced in 1991 with the dedication occurring… …   Wikipedia

  • Go for Broke! (1951 film) — Infobox Film name = Go for Broke image size = caption = director = Robert Pirosh producer = Dore Schary writer = Robert Pirosh starring = Van Johnson Lane Nakano George Miki music = cinematography = editing = distributor = released = 1951 runtime …   Wikipedia

  • Go for broke — is a phrase meaning to wager everything . It was popularized by the movie Go for Broke!, about a World War II Japanese American military unit, the 442nd Infantry Regiment.It can also mean: * Go For Broke Monument, a monument commemorating… …   Wikipedia

  • go for broke — {v. phr.}, {slang} To risk everything on one big effort; use all your energy and skill; try as hard as possible. * /The racing car driver decided to go for broke in the biggest race of the year./ Compare: ALL OUT …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • go for broke — {v. phr.}, {slang} To risk everything on one big effort; use all your energy and skill; try as hard as possible. * /The racing car driver decided to go for broke in the biggest race of the year./ Compare: ALL OUT …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • Going for Broke (2003 film) — Going For Broke was a 2003 television movie that was broadcast on the Lifetime Network on cable television. Directed by Graeme Campbell, it starred real life husband and wife, Gerald McRaney and Delta Burke, as well as Ellen Page.The film centers …   Wikipedia

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